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BENRATHER TAGEBLATT – Interview with one of our members

My favorite place – A place of inner peace

During the holidays we start our search again for ‘Your favorite place’. Today with: Hedieh Taghizadeh.
Neither wildlife nor a cosy park is the chosen place by Hedieh Taghizadeh, a resident of Wersten. The teachings of the Sufi master – meditation, unity and remembrance of God – are the fields of energy at her favorite place. She is lucky that this place is conveniently located right around the corner from her. Her parents had taken her to this place when she was little. ‘Since my childhood, I always felt comfortable in the Sufi-Community. This feeling and affiliation grew stronger every year’, the 27 year old explains. This Sufi interpretation of Islam is more moderate compared to the political interpretation. Sufism is not focused on the state, but on the inner dimension of Islam and the purification of the soul. The community is well known and has strong ties within Wersten.
She preferably spends the whole weekend at this place, where the reality of Islam is taught. ‘I can let go of the stress of everyday life and the social roles associated with the outside world. I can do what makes me feel well’ says the young woman, who works within the education sector. Development, creativity, joy are also part of this experience as well as reading from the Quran, singing and meditative practices.
‘Some of my colleagues cannot understand why I enjoy going to school on the weekends’ says Hedieh Taghizadeh with laughter. However, apparently she can regain energy and strength for her everyday life and her work. Furthermore, she is also fortunate enough to be able to live her second passion every Saturday at the Sufi center, by playing the piano and singing together with the ensemble, ‘The Awakened Hearts’.

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