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Tamarkoz® class at efa Düsseldorf

„Hope is planted seed in fertile ground that bears fruit“
Prof. Nader Angha

Full of hope we stand before the New Year and are motivated to turn our plans into actions. Inner peace, wellbeing and health are necessary for our sown seeds of intentions to flourish and bear its fruit at the end of the year.  Worry, stress and imbalance are detrimental on this path. Here, we have the Islamic Sufi method of Tamarkoz® for establishing balance and inner harmony.

From now on you can register for our Tamarkoz® classes at the efa-Duesseldorf or online at http://www.efa-duesseldorf.de/.
The classes take place on Wednesdays from 8.00pm to 9.00pm beginning on 18th January 2017 with 11 fixed dates. Fees and further information can be found on the website listed above.
More information about the method of Tamarkoz® can be found on www.tamarkoz.org
The word Tamarkoz® (literally: „concentration“) refers to the gathering of all human energies in the strongest electromagnetic source of the body, the heart.
Through a combination of different breathing, attention and balancing exercises (Movazeneh) awareness and concentration are naturally established. The body and soul get the opportunity to simply be, calm, strong and present.

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